We’re proud to be providing an exciting opportunity for two placements each year with the Kent Wildlife Trust to help train the next generation of land managers

These apprenticeships are for people wishing to enter a career in landscape and biodiversity management. Through the placement, people will gain experience and new skills in a wide variety of projects with Kent Wildlife Trust. Each graduate will spend a year with the Trust working on reserves in the Darent Valley.

Land management is going to be central to meeting the challenges of climate change and combating biodiversity loss. In this respect land management is an important, challenging and rewarding career. It also plays a vital role in helping our communities find belonging and connection to our land.


  • Landscape apprenticeships with Kent Wildlife Trust
  • Two placements each year
  • An important, challenging and rewarding career


We have supported eight Landscape Apprentices over the last few years. Below is a testimonial from one of our recent Landscape Apprentices hosted by KWT.

“I learnt a vast array of new skills from ground beetle identification, fence repairing, brush-cutter use along with other tools. I refreshed my memory and got to practice various UK flora and fauna ID skills. I learnt a lot about Kent Wildlife Trust, what they stand for as an organisation as well as visit and learn about the various conservation areas Paul and Susanna manage. It was great to get first hand experience in the different management techniques and learn want it takes to manage different habitats and species. I enjoy undertaking research for the construction of a king fisher bank and being able to read long term management plans. I helped with data input and was trained in various computer programmes such a GIS.  

I have developed my knowledge on UK flora and fauna and I continue to test myself in my day to day life. I took a variety of courses; Chipper, brush-cutter, leadership and first aid training, along with bird and ground beetle identification. As well as the official courses I developed a variety of skills and gained knowledge through my day to day life as a trainee. 

As part of my trainee-ship I led groups of volunteers on task days, delegating tasks and solving problems. This experience helped build up my confidence with managing people, some who were a lot older and more experienced then myself. In my current role I am coordinating and training volunteers from all demographics. This past experienced I gained through the trainee-ship had been extremely beneficial to my current role. My feedback from my interview for my current position was that; having experience and showing interest in working with volunteers, as well as being a volunteer myself, was why I was such a strong candidate.  

I can’t say I had any negative experiences during my time with Paul and Susanna, even when I was cold and soaked through it was still a great experience, you learn quickly that its not the weather that’s the problem its your clothes. Paul and Susanna and all the regular volunteers were very welcoming and knowledgeable. Everyone made my experience extremely enjoyable and valuable. All I really want to say is a very big thank you to all the Sevenoaks team.”


If you would like more information on our land management apprenticeships scheme including how to apply, please contact darent.valley@kentdowns.org.uk

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Co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund