Our Future Skills project makes sure that partners, communities and those contributing to the objectives of the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme (DVLPS) have the skills and knowledge to ensure that our projects are delivered successfully. Such skills will ensure a strong legacy for our projects and that the work can be sustained after the DVLPS comes to an end.

A variety of training has been arranged and delivered already, both in-person and virtual learning, equipping many of our partner organisations, volunteers and community members will new skills to deliver DVLPS projects. Training so far has included:


  • Conservation management – woodland management, species identification, habitat surveys
  • Hedge-laying
  • Teaching pre-history outside the classroom
  • Forest School level 3 certificate
  • Introduction to drone training
  • PfCO course (permission for commercial operations – licence needed to fly a drone)
  • Roman pottery
  • Chainsaw training
  • Oak Processionary Moth identification and management
  • Basic tree survey and inspection
  • Landscape Character Assessment
  • Brushcutter operation for Kent Wildlife Trust volunteers and Kent Country Parks rangers and volunteers
  • Teach O – training for teachers in how to use orienteering at school
  • Workshops and practical training on rivers for NWKCP’s DEEP project (River Darent Environmental Enhancement Programme)


Upcoming courses arranged for coming months include:

  • Veteran tree management
  • Historic Landscape Characterisation


If you would like more information on our Future Skills project, please email darent.valley@kentdowns.org.uk 


Two people with chainsaw cutting a tree
Two people holding chainsaw in woods
People in a classroom sat around a table
People stood in field with drone
Five people dressed in green and black sanding beside a row of newly planted hedgerow trees in a green field
© Copyright North West Kent Countryside Partnership
People walking along countryside fopotpath
People looking next to a river
People stood on top of field looking at view
People looking and talking in field
Test pitting at the Castle
© Copyright DVLPS
One adult and four children drawing a tree on its side
People sat on chairs in circle on grass

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Throughout the scheme we have placed a great emphasis on learning opportunities. A particular focus is on reconnecting young...

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There are many opportunities for volunteering across the scheme, from working on archaeological digs to coordinating community events, restoring...

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Co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund